Simulation Models
Accurate simulation models constitute an important basis and prerequisite for the successful realisation of the planning tasks. Furthermore, reviewing the compliance of the characteristics of generating units and generating plants with the respective grid codes is possible only on the basis of high-precision simulation models.
DIgSILENT develops simulation models based on the DSL or C++ programming language. The models are developed on the basis of technical data, construction drawings, thermal flow diagrams, control schematics, and plant and component measurements in particular as prerequisites for the validation of the model. Simulation models can be provided as open, encapsulated, i.e. invisible, or compiled models. Typical model developments include:
- Power plant models
- Models of HVDC systems (EMT/RMS) and other electronic components including their controls
- Protection devices and grid control systems

Consulting Services - Overview
- Development of complete and reviewed network project databases for application of the PowerFactory software
- Development of high-precision power plant models for wind turbines, PV panels, combustion engines, steam-electric power plants, hydraulic power plants, gas turbines and special plants
- Validation of power plant models based on component or plant measurements
- Development of simulation models for HVDC systems (VSC, LCC) including complete grid models (RMS and EMT models)
- Connection of manufacturer DLLs and preparation of encapsulated models
- Determination of optimised regulator settings
- Development and optimisation of control strategies
Smart Grids
Smart grids are currently in the initial development phase. DIgSILENT supports R&D activities throughout the world, in particular in the fields of co-simulation using ICT, virtual power plants, the operation of storage systems, the use of control system components for load control, and the implementation of procedures to optimise the integration of distributed generation, taking the power system planning and operation into account.
Consulting Services - Overview
- Smart grid strategies and roadmaps
- Peripheral storage systems (market-driven/ network-driven)
- Effects of feed-in management on network expansion projects
- Demand side management
- Smart grid coordination by means of ICT
- Smart grid co-simulation
- Virtual power plants